vector bundle, 2-vector bundle, (∞,1)-vector bundle
real, complex/holomorphic, quaternionic
topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)
see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory
Basic concepts
fiber space, space attachment
Extra stuff, structure, properties
Kolmogorov space, Hausdorff space, regular space, normal space
sequentially compact, countably compact, locally compact, sigma-compact, paracompact, countably paracompact, strongly compact
Basic statements
closed subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are equivalently compact subspaces
open subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact
compact spaces equivalently have converging subnet of every net
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
paracompact Hausdorff spaces equivalently admit subordinate partitions of unity
injective proper maps to locally compact spaces are equivalently the closed embeddings
locally compact and second-countable spaces are sigma-compact
Analysis Theorems
The Thom space of a real vector bundle over a topological space is the topological space obtained by first forming the disk bundle of (unit) disks in the fibers of (with respect to a metric given by any choice of orthogonal structure) and then identifying to a point the boundaries of all the disks, i.e. forming the quotient topological space by the unit sphere bundle :
(N.B.: this is a quotient of the total spaces of the bundles taken in , not a bundle quotient in .)
This is equivalently the mapping cone
in Top of the sphere bundle of . Therefore more generally, for any n-sphere-fiber bundle over (spherical fibration), its Thom space is the the mapping cone
of the bundle projection.
For a compact topological space, is a model for the one-point compactification of the total space .
The Thom space of the rank- universal vector bundle over the classifying space of the orthogonal group is usually denoted . As ranges, these spaces form the Thom spectrum.
Let be a topological space and let be a vector bundle (topological vector bundle) over of rank , which is associated to an O(n)-principal bundle. Equivalently this means that is the pullback of the universal vector bundle over the classifying space. Since preserves the metric on , by definition, such inherits the structure of a metric space-fiber bundle. With respect to this structure:
the unit disk bundle is the subbundle of elements of norm ;
the unit sphere bundle is the subbundle of elements of norm ;
the Thom space is the cofiber (formed in Top (prop.)) of
canonically regarded as a pointed topological space.
If is a general real vector bundle, then there exists an isomorphism to an -associated bundle and the Thom space of is, up to based homeomorphism, that of this orthogonal bundle.
If the rank of is positive, then is non-empty and then the Thom space is the quotient topological space
However, in the degenerate case that the rank of vanishes, hence the case that , then , but . Hence now the pushout defining the cofiber is
which exhibits as the coproduct of with the point, hence as with a basepoint freely adjoined.
Let be a vector bundle over a CW-complex . Then the Thom space (def. ) is equivalently the homotopy cofiber (def.) of the inclusion of the sphere bundle into the disk bundle.
The Thom space is defined as the ordinary cofiber of . Under the given assumption, this inclusion is a relative cell complex inclusion, hence a cofibration in the classical model structure on topological spaces (thm.). Therefore in this case the ordinary cofiber represents the homotopy cofiber (def.).
The equivalence to the following alternative model for this homotopy cofiber is relevant when discussing Thom isomorphisms and orientation in generalized cohomology:
Let be a vector bundle over a CW-complex . Write for the complement of its 0-section. Then the Thom space (def. ) is homotopy equivalent to the mapping cone of the inclusion (hence to the pair in the language of generalized (Eilenberg-Steenrod) cohomology).
The mapping cone of any map out of a CW-complex represents the homotopy cofiber of that map (exmpl.). Moreover, transformation by (weak) homotopy equivalences between morphisms induces a (weak) homotopy equivalence on their homotopy fibers (prop.). But we have such a weak homotopy equivalence, given by contracting away the fibers of the vector bundle:
Let be two real vector bundles. Then the Thom space (def. ) of the direct sum of vector bundles is expressed in terms of the Thom space of the pullback bundles and of to the disk/sphere bundle of as
Notice that
(Since a point at radial distance in is a point at radius in and a point at radius in .)
For a vector bundle then the Thom space (def. ) of , the direct sum of vector bundles with the trivial rank vector bundle, is homeomorphic to the smash product of the Thom space of with the -sphere (the -fold reduced suspension).
Prop. implies that for every vector bundle the sequence of spaces forms a suspension spectrum: this is the Thom spectrum of .
By prop. and remark the Thom space (def. ) of a trivial vector bundle of rank is the -fold suspension of the base space
Therefore a general Thom space may be thought of as a “twisted reduced suspension”, with twist encoded by a vector bundle (or rather by its underlying spherical fibration). See at Thom spectrum – For infinity-module bundles for more on this.
Correspondingly the Thom isomorphism for a given Thom space is a twisted version of the suspension isomorphism.
For and to vector bundles, let be the direct sum of vector bundles of their pullbacks to . The corresponding Thom space is the smash product of the individual Thom spaces:
Prop. induces on the Thom spectra of remark the structure of ring spectra.
If the base space of the vector bundle carries the structure of a CW-complex, then its Thom space (def. ) canonically inherits the structure of a CW-complex, too:
Let be a vector bundle of rank . over a CW-complex .
Then has the structure of a CW-complex with
the only 0-cell
precisely one -cell for each -cell of , given as the pullback
(e.g. Cruz 04, lemma 6)
In particular, has a single -cell and an -cell for each 1-cell of . There are no cells in between dimension and . The cellular boundary of an -cell is 0 if is orientable over the corresponding 1-cell of , and it is twice the -cell in the opposite case. Thus is if is orientable and if is non-orientable. In the orientable case a generator of restricts to a generator of in the “fiber” of over the 0-cell of , hence the same is true for all the “fibers” and so one has a Thom class.
Given a vector bundle of rank , then the reduced ordinary cohomology of its Thom space (def. ) vanishes in degrees :
Consider the long exact sequence of relative cohomology (here)
Since the cohomology in degree only depends on the -skeleton, and since for the -skeleton of equals that of , and since is even homotopy equivalent to , the morphism is an isomorphism in degrees lower than . Hence by exactness of the sequence it follows that .
See at zero-section into Thom space of universal line bundle is weak equivalence.
Due to:
Further discussion:
Michael Atiyah, Thom complexes, Proc. London Math. Soc. 11 (1961) pp. 291–310
Yuli Rudyak, On Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism, Springer 1998 googB
Dale Husemöller, Fibre bundles , McGraw-Hill (1966)
See also
Robert Stong, Notes on cobordism theory , Princeton Univ. Press (1968)
W.B. Browder, Surgery on simply-connected manifolds , Springer (1972)
Martin Vito Cruz, An introduction to cobordism, 2004 (pdf)
On Cohomotopy sets of Thom spaces:
Last revised on January 30, 2025 at 21:48:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.